Sauna is good for muscles and joints

Infrared sauna is good for pain and joints.

In an infrared sauna , the body is heated directly by the radiant heat not by hot air. The heat penetrates up to 3 times as deep into the body as in a traditional sauna. The heat reaches about 4.5 cm into tissues and joints and is very effective in softening up tense and sore muscles and relieving stiffness and pain. Muscle cramps have long been observed to reduce by the use of heat. Underlying causes of the disorder may be skeletal or neuropathological problems. Infrared sauna has proven to be effective

. Muscle problems stiffness, pain and muscle cramps.
. Stela causes chronic joint diseases rheumatism, arthritis
. Stiffness in shoulders and neck
. Wiplash (whiplash injury)
. Cold hands and feet
. Warming up before physical activity
Rheumatism and joint pain

Sauna relieves rheumatism

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease that affects about 70,000 Swedes annually. This is an inflammatory disease that mostly affects people of middle age, but children and adolescents can suffer from a special form of arthritis which is called Juvenile Chronic Arthritis. There are more women than men who get the disease, but there are also many other diseases that attack the joints, and the joint pain may be a disease in itself or it is a result of other conditions. The symptoms can sometimes come sneakily with aches, stiffness and swelling in the hands and feet. About 50% of those affected can say exactly when they noticed the first symptoms. To be able to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, at least 4 out of 7 of the following symptoms should be present:

Swelling in 3 or more joint areas
Morning silence for at least 60 minutes.
Swelling of the nearest joint of the finger joint
Symmetrical swelling, ie not just in one hand this time.
Rheumatic nodules.
Rheumatoid factor, RF, has been found.

Rheumatism, or rheumatic diseases, mainly affects the locomotor system, that is, joints, muscles and skeletons. But that's not the whole truth. Rheumatism can affect everything from the smallest vessels in the eyes to the body's largest joints and vital organs. The diseases can be life-threatening or as mild as a common cold. In other words, it is not easy to explain, under a unifying name, how and what rheumatism really is. Today, it is widely known that an infrared Infrared sauna relieves these ailments.

Most rheumatic diseases are inflammatory. This means that an inflammation has arisen, either spontaneously or as a result of, for example, an injury or infection, which causes problems. There are also rheumatic conditions where no inflammation can be found but the symptoms may be due to other mechanisms.

Rheumatic diseases are divided into a number of groups according to symptoms or disease mechanism. The most similar diseases are in the same group .

Prevents joint pain and osteoarthritis


Most rheumatic diseases are inflammatory. What does inflammation mean?
A rather descriptive word for inflammation can be described as a hot, red swelling that characterizes an inflamed area. Inflammation itself hurts and is cumbersome but it is actually a protective mechanism from your own body.
Inflammation is the body's reaction to trying to repair an injury. The injury can be caused by an infection, strong heat or cold, chemical substances, or common wounds.

When the tissue is damaged, it begins to signal to the rest of the body and brain what has happened. The substances that produce the signals are called cytokines. The signals call for the body's immune system cells, which are the white blood cells. A large part of the white blood cells have the task of eating up foreign substances and damaged tissue, others have the task of notifying other white blood cells to get to the site of the attack. The third type forms so-called antibodies (immunoglobulins). This is a type of protein that has a surface where all possible invaders can get stuck and then be attacked by the rest of the immune system.

The signs of inflammation are pain, redness, fever, swelling and impaired function. The redness and heat are due to more blood flowing to the injury site. The swelling is a result of fluid accumulating in the area. Pain arises from nerve fibers, so-called pain receptors, when the tissue is damaged. Signs of inflammation can be found to varying degrees and everyone does not need to be present because inflammation is ongoing.

Autoimmune diseases
Treat autoimmune diseases

To understand why the body sometimes starts inflammation even though there is no damage to repair, it should be clear what inflammation really is.

In many of the rheumatic diseases, they are called autoimmunity that comes from "autos" in Greek and means "self", ie the white blood cells, (the immune system) have acquired that the body's own cells and tissues are hostile and therefore they must be destroyed. . This is done by direct attacks on the body's own cells or antibodies directed against the cells are formed. When antibodies are produced against body cells, the antibodies are called autoantibodies. One possible explanation for the question of what is triggering the immune system to start attacking its own body may be that the body's cells have substances on their surface that are similar to substances found on the surface of, for example, bacteria or viruses. The body then mistakes and also attacks the body's own. Up to 1 million Swedes have some form of rheumatic disease, of which 1200-1500 of them are children or adolescents who suffer from chronic joint inflammation. Most rheumatic diseases start early, as early as 20-30 years. The most common form of rheumatism is arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), which affects just under 100,000 Swedes about 1% of the population.
There are many things that underlie the disease, but what is the original cause of this multi-millennial disease is unknown. And since you do not know what causes this upset immune system, there is also no direct cure. An infrared sauna can help and relieve the symptoms of the disease and is very well-liked for its properties with deep heat.