Build a sauna, this should be kept in mind
When planning to build a sauna and build each "panel by panel" there are a lot of things to consider. Good planning gives an excellent result, you usually say, and there is a lot to think about before the construction is started. Here you will find some guidelines and what you should consider when building a sauna .
The size "How many people will use the sauna at the same time"
The price "The decision of material choice and design"
placement "The interior ceiling height of the sauna"
Sauna unit "The right aggregate strength for the volume you have"
Ventilation “Proper ventilation gives the best sauna baths”
sauna Doors "Modern or classic look"
Bastulave "Durability and easy to clean"
Sauna panel "Luxury wall panel or traditional"
Sauna drawing "Facilitates work"
If you do not intend to choose a ready-to-use sauna room and build a sauna from the ground up, here are some things to keep in mind, here we explain more.
Choosing the right location at your sauna?
Where you choose to build a sauna is entirely up to you and you can basically build it anywhere, the only real requirement is that the inside of the sauna does not fall below 190 cm in internal ceiling height and that the unit if it is powered by electricity is not near a shower.
The ceiling height of a sauna is important.
In the 1960s and 1970s, it was popular to build a sauna that was large and with a high ceiling height sometimes up to 2700 -2800 mm, but then the electricity was also cheap so you did not pay much attention to electricity consumption. With a large space, over time the room used to be filled with various things that you can store in the home, shoes, clothes, etc. and thus the sauna did not become so easy to use. On the other hand, it takes a long time for heating and costs a lot of money. Today, a sauna is used more as a health tool or for pure enjoyment and then one should be wise in his assessment of the ceiling height in his sauna.
One or two heights on a sauna?
There is no rule if there should be exactly 2 heights on the basulav (bench). If you are now planning to have an internal ceiling height of 2200 mm and above it may be good with two heights but we see that more and more are choosing the top lichen today just to get the ceiling height and with it get a faster heating and a more efficient sauna that is more energy efficient.
Size matters
When determining the height of the sauna, it should not be because you should be messing with your friends over the crayfish, but you should have an effective sauna all year long is our recommendation. Have a think about how you and your family will use it and how many people will normally fit at the same time. The size, that is, the total volume of a sauna is related to which sauna heater you should choose to get the most efficient sauna possible.
Sauna unit effect and function.
All too often we get a support question from customers who have been recommended the wrong sauna heaters with the result that it takes a very long time for heating or that the heat is not a soft and comfortable heat. Most often this comes from the fact that the seller did not take into account the total volume in the sauna or did not count on whether customers have tiles or large glass surfaces in their sauna. For every cubic in your sauna, you should expect to have 1 kilowatt per 1.3 cubic room volume. An example 2 x 2 x 2 meters = 8M3 /1.3= you should have at least 6.15 KW for your sauna heater. These are the recommended aggregate effects from the manufacturers and then they are based on a "normal sauna" with wood panel and wooden door and with the right insulation in the wall and ceiling. So if you build a sauna with a lot of glass or with tiles as a wall construction, it requires a higher power on the unit than the recommended volume on the sauna unit. As a rule of thumb you can use for every m2 glass / tile so you should add at least 0.5 to 1 KW. If the above sauna example should have a wall surface of 2x2 meters of glass, you should increase the power of the unit by about 2 to 4 KW.
The function of a sauna heater
If you have now figured out which effect will be best for you, there are other things to consider. How to control the unit with on / off setting. There are internal controls, ie a keypad on the unit with on / off and heat selection or an external control that is operated on a control panel which is usually placed on the outside of a wall. With an external control panel you get a better overview of the time setting and temperature setting and with it also a safer sauna when you do not "forget" to switch off the sauna after use. The external control panels send a signal to the heater and the temperature sensor in the sauna about what degree you have set it to and how long you want to use it. Today, there is a large selection of control panels with various functions. The right control panel is the one that is adapted to the strength of the unit you choose. Recently, we also have aggregates and control functions that are controlled with an "app" in your mobile phone. Maybe you are the one who usually sits in a car queue home from work and is a little frozen and wants the sauna ready for use when you get home.
How should the base stone be stacked?
Use the sauna stone in the well-known sauna heater, a solid block stone intended for sauna heaters. Note that it is forbidden to use porous stone or ceramic, light stone as this can cause overheating and damage to the heat resistance in the unit. Start by stacking the base stones on the bottom of the unit's stone chest and in such a way that they support each other but also leave room for air circulation. The stones must therefore not be packed too tightly, but the unit must still be filled up around the heat resistors. When the stones are in place, a first run should be started to eliminate moisture and odor.
Large stone chests with much base stone give a softer warmth.
It is seldom that a Finn is wrong when it comes to sauna heaters. Most Finns strive to get as soft and warm a sauna as possible. You come a long way with a big stone casket and if you throw a lot of water. You get a softer heat with an aggregate that has a stone chest that is 50 kilos or more, that is the weight of the base stone in the aggregate. If you have a larger stone coffin, you usually tend to lower temperatures 65 to 75 degrees as the water evaporates via a larger amount of stone and therefore provides the softer sauna heat.
How long is the life of the boulders?
The use of a sauna is A and O, it simply depends on how much you use it. If you only use the sauna a few times a week you should change the stones once a year. You can extend the stone by repacking the stones from time to time as they break down during use and can cause the stone flour to settle and seal so that it does not have a good air flow. A good air flow gives the unit longer service life. Good air circulation is a prerequisite for a sauna stove to work properly and the life of the resistor increases thanks to the lower surface temperature of the resistor.
Get proper ventilation in a sauna
Ventilation to a sauna is important and as a rule of thumb you usually have to place the unit on the same side as at the door or if you have a supply air hole in the wall under the sauna unit. A supply air valve is usually placed directly under the unit and usually has a diameter of 125 mm and for larger bath systems around 300 mm in diameter. For a family sauna it may suffice to place the unit next to the sauna door as you drop a few millimeters under the door leaf which provides ventilation. An exhaust air valve should always be the same diameter as the supply air valve and should be placed high on the wall or ceiling, thus providing good ventilation of fresh fresh air. One should not have the exhaust valve directly out in the open, as this may mean that the sauna does not get hot with too high air exchange outlet. The exhaust valve should open in the same area as where the air is coming from. In this way, the air is constantly renewed in the space where the air comes from, as it is always a negative pressure indoors.
Build a sauna and install sauna doors
There is a very wide selection of sauna doors of all kinds, from the classic old wooden doors to the more modern doors with aluminum frames and hardened glass of different shades and colors. What you should look at is first and foremost what frame of measure you wish to have when building your sauna. Note that the frame measure is not the exact measure your door's blade dimensions have, they are always in a smaller size. Frames can be selected in the same type of wood that you choose for your sauna panel and if you want to build a more modern sauna, maybe a door with aluminum frame will be more right for you.
In other words, Bastulave, that is, the sauna bench.
When you start sketching out the dimensions of your sauna, you soon see what surfaces you have for the sauna floor. We are all different and have different requirements on how the lava should be designed. Some want to build a sauna with an "L" low, ie it is a long bench with a shorter side bench much like an "L". Others may want a "U" low and it is a long bench with side benches on each side, like a "U" simply. The choice of material is important if you are looking for a long life and a nice bench to sit on without a lot of sharp edges or surfaces. A basulave in a heat-treated wood provides a maintenance-free bench for many years to come and also prevents the appearance of "sweat stains". A sauna body should be treated a few times a year with sauna cleaning and sauna oil for best durability. You can choose to build a lichen with loose wood or you can order finished lichen that is easy to assemble and cut to your own dimensions and therefore saves a lot of unnecessary construction time.
Choice of sauna panel
When it comes to the sauna panel, one demands that the panel must be in good condition, by which we mean that it must be of durable material that is almost knot-free. Twigs in the panel are something you want to avoid as it weakens the wood's durability. The wall panel should also be free of resin that just twigs can produce when heated. Some prefer light sauna panels such as ash wood, while others prefer a darker panel wall in for example Al or heat treated wood. In recent times, cedar wood has also become a very popular feature of the sauna, partly for the good scent and for the unique vein of a genuine kind of cedar wood. Building a sauna with mixed woods has become modern, so why not have a nice foundation wall in cedar panel or a heat sink in heat treated wood which is a darker wood type mixed with a light aspen panel.
Large assortment for those who want to build a sauna
In our range you will find what you need to get a successful result. If you want help and advice, you are always welcome to contact us. If you have a sauna drawing with dimensions, we can help you figure out how much panel, lichen and moldings you need. After that you can get a quote from us, we have helped many people to get a good result when they want to build a sauna.
Here you will find the various details you need to build a sauna