A word that has become more common over the years. But various forms of detoxification have existed at all times, although it has not been called detox.
The Finns and Turks have their traditions with sauna baths, the Indians have their sweatshirts. The Indians have AyurVeda which includes herbal mixtures, steam bath, oil massage, tongue scraping and bowel cleansing. The Chinese Taoist scriptures can read about repeated fasting from 3 to 14 days leading to a longer life. The Greeks have used herb and water baths, while the Tibetans have for many centuries used meditation and massage and sauna to cleanse the body. The transmission and use of blood crucibles that suck blood was popular for a long time in Europe. Various forms of detoxification have been practiced worldwide for thousands of years.
The great interest in detoxification historically over the years is probably based on a combination of an experienced feeling of well-being in detoxification, but also concerns about various diseases when medical science was not as developed as in modern times and one wanted to ensure continued good health.
Today we have a very good medical expertise to provide good health for the population. But now our environment looks very different, it is enough to go back 60 years in the time when very few chemicals were produced. The world's total chemical production has increased from seven million tonnes annually in 1950 to approximately 400 million tonnes in 2005. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that the value of global chemical production will increase by 85% between 1995 and 2020. Today, more than 100,000 factory-made chemicals in daily use worldwide. More than 30,000 chemicals are available on the EU market. Of these, only 5,000 have been tested and assessed for their effects on health and the environment. There is no knowledge of other subjects.
Pollutants and chemicals are everywhere
Development of the environment and our diet make it impossible to avoid exposure to toxins and pollutants. Today's foods are largely processed through modification, refined or cured with lower nutritional content as a result. The food contains trans fats, additives, pesticides, dyes and preservatives. Much of what we drink and eat comes in plastic containers of some kind, which means that we are constantly exposed to phthalates (plasticizer).
It is common knowledge that there are pollutants in the air in the form of exhaust gases. Everyone has probably known the smell of something "new" like the interior of a car, bag, shoes, furniture - an odor that brings chemicals into the lungs. In addition to the air and food, there are dangerous chemicals in most of the products we surround ourselves with. Some examples are skin care products, clothing, cosmetics, paints, plastic articles, cleaning products, printing inks, detergents, etc. The list can be made long. Factory-made chemicals are found in almost everything we use.
Environmental toxins are a collective name for toxins that have a negative impact on the environment in nature. Environmental toxins damage the functions of organisms. Several toxins are very stable ie. they do not break down or break down very slowly. Environmental toxins can be fat-soluble / lipophilic and are stored and accumulated in the fat and fat tissues of organisms. Other poisons bind to proteins.
Environmental toxins can be divided into many different groups such as heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, lead) organic compounds (chlorine compounds as Freon, bromine compounds as flame retardant alkyl phenols as plasticizers in textiles) and artificial environmental toxins (man-made).
Blood tests from the 1940s show that before World War II, blood and tissue in humans contained almost no toxins or contaminants. Today it looks different. All people on earth today have traces of environmental toxins from the group of organic toxins in the body.
These toxins are usually fat-soluble and this allows them to spread quickly within the food chain, storage is retained and increases in the fatty tissue of humans and animals.
The organic pollutants are spread globally and accumulate in colder areas, which gives rise to accumulation at the poles. There is also an enrichment from mother to child. A fact that has affected Inuit infants (Eskimian infants) who get high levels of organic contamination through the breast milk.
The body is amazing
The body has an amazing ability to purify itself. This task is divided into 5 organs. In the first stage we will describe four of these organs.
1. The lungs are the most detoxifying organ that is exposed most by the environment. Through the trachea, the air is brought down to the smallest branch of the trachea. Along these alveolar passages, which are about 0.5 mm in cross-section, sit row in row alveoli (the lung blisters). An alveol is hemispherical and only 0.1-0.2mm in diameter when exhaled and inhalation twice as large. The lung tissue is mainly alveoli. Each alveol is surrounded by a very fine branching network of blood vessels. When inhaled, the lungs are filled with oxygen and the environmental toxins supplied in the air. The lungs emit carbon dioxide and toxic substances every time you exhale. Gases are absorbed through the cells membrane and filtered through the blood to the body.
2. The kidneys regulates the body's pH, fluid balance and calcium metabolism. The kidney's functional basic unit is a nephron. There are about one million nephrons in each kidney. These can be seen as small purification stations. Although the weight of the kidneys only corresponds to about 0.5% of the total weight of the organism, at least 20-25% of the minute volume of blood circulation flows through them. Every hour all the blood in the body can pass through the kidneys almost twenty times. Here, the blood is filtered together with slag products, drugs and toxins. Renal excretion is the body's most important method of releasing water-soluble slag products. About 0.1% of the blood that is filtered is converted to urine.
3. The intestine processes about 25,000 kilos of food during a lifetime, and it is primarily here that the body is confronted with allergenic substances and environmental toxins. The mucous membrane of the stomach and intestine is 200 times larger than the entire body surface and thus sensitive to the exposure of toxins. The large intestine is an important channel for absorption of residues and slag products after the end of digestion process. The role of the intestine in the detoxification process is very important. An intestinal flora in imbalance reduces the rate at which normal amounts of toxins can be cleared via the stomach and intestinal tract.
4. Liver is by far the largest gland of the body and weighs about 1.5 kg. Usually, the liver is divided into two lobes where the right one is several times larger than the left one (in a more refined division it consists of four lobes). The blood is pumped through the liver and exposed to enzymes (including cytochrome P450) to bind and remove chemicals and slag products. The liver produces bile. In the middle of the lower surface of the liver is the hepatic duct, to the hepatic duct the gallbladder closes via a gallbladder duct. Here, bile is transported, which is then stored in the gallbladder. The bile stored in the gallbladder is transported into the duodenum where the bile raises the pH and helps in digestion of mainly fats. Some substances that the liver purifies from the blood drain it out along with the bile formed (out with the stool). The liver also takes care of most toxins that may be present in the blood, such as ethanol and drugs.
The body's purification stations.
We have here illustrated four of the body's five purification stations, in very simple terms, the anatomy and physiology of the organs have been described. Of the above mentioned organs, it is mainly in the liver, kidneys and intestines but also the skin (see below) where environmental toxins are stored / stuck. Your body detoxes daily as long as it is in good condition. Sometimes, however, problems arise and more toxins enter the body than the body itself can do away with. Toxins can come from and be aggravated by cellular waste *, contaminants stomach imbalances, stress, poor diet, diseases, work environment (refineries, chemical production, firefighters etc.) prescription drugs, smoking, overuse of alcohol drugs insomnia etc. There are many different recommendations on how to best support and optimize the body's cleansing processes. How we do kidney cleansing, bowel cleansing and liver cleansing is nothing that we will highlight. There are several options to choose from, from simple tips to more detailed detox cures.
Based on individual symptoms and problem images, it is important to familiarize yourself with the various detoxification treatments that are recommended and find a detox approach that feels best.
* A cell can be likened to a human in miniature. The cell breathes, eats and produces waste which causes the human body's need to breathe, eat and dispose of waste.
The body's fifth cleansing organ The skin
( Latin cutis & Greek derma )
5. The skin is the body's largest and heaviest body. The skin of a human normally weighs four to five kilos and with the fat layer of the subcutaneous tissue included, the weight can amount to one fifth of the total body weight. The skin area of an adult is between 1.5-2 square meters.
It has several features; it protects underlying tissues, it has importance for the body's heat regulation and feel, it holds a blood reserve and it is a secretory organ . Furthermore, vitamin D in the skin is made by the precursor of the vitamin.
The skin is divided into three layers
The epidermis outer layer of the skin. The thickness varies on different parts of the body. The skin that is worn a lot, for example hand and foot soles, has thick epidermis. It can be one millimeter thick or more. The rest over the skin may be between is between about 0.05-1.5 mm thick. Thinnest skin is on the upper body. The outermost cell layers form a protective dead horn layer. The horn layer is covered with fat from the sebaceous glands. Water and water-soluble substances are difficult to pass through the skin, fat-soluble substances much easier. Fat-soluble substances such as steroid hormones and some toxic gases can cause general symptoms even though they have only come into contact with the skin. (Steroid hormones are sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen in which cholesterol is the building block. Vitamin D is also a steroid hormone formed by cholesterol.) The epidermis does not contain blood vessels it is supplied by diffusion from underlying skin layers.
The dermis is located under the epidermis. The leather skin is between half and three millimeters thick and thickest on the back. The boundary between the two layers of skin is corrugated. The leather skin consists of connective tissue, which contains plenty of protein fibers of collagen and elastin. Therefore, the leather skin is both strong and elastic. With age, the number of elastic fibers decreases and the skin therefore becomes limp and wrinkled. The leather skin has a lot of blood vessels. These blood vessels participate in the body's heat regulation. It circulates 5-10 times more blood in the skin than its supply requires. The skin thus also acts as a blood reserve. In shock (via the adrenaline effect), blood is transferred from the skin to the internal organs (brain, heart). Pale skin is one of the most important signs of shock. Blood circulation in the leather skin is important for maintaining the right temperature. When it is cold, the blood vessels contract so that less blood circulates through the skin. Then less heat leaves the body. In a cool environment and at rest, 200-350 ml of blood passes through the skin per minute. When it is warm, the skin becomes redder as more blood circulates in the dilated blood vessels. It allows heat to leave the body and cool down. In the heat, the amount of blood circulating per minute can be up to 3.5l. The leather skin contains lymphatic vessels, sensory bodies, nerves, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands.
The subcutis takes on under the skin. There is no clear boundary between these two layers of skin. The subcutaneous tissue consists of porous connective tissue and many fat cells. The average thickness of the subcutaneous tissue is 2-10 millimeters in a lean person. In an obese individual, the subcutaneous adipose tissue may be closer to 10 cm thick, for example on the abdomen and around the hips.
Toxic substances that enter the body via the lungs or via the digestive organs are transported via blood and lymph. They are stored in fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue until it is secreted through the pores. The outer layer of the epidermis consists of densely packed cells but is nonetheless porous. Water and water-soluble substances are difficult to pass through the epidermis, fat-soluble substances much easier. Fat-soluble substances such as steroid hormones and some toxic gases can cause general symptoms even though they have only come into contact with the skin. It is clear that a lot of toxins accumulate in the body's fat tissues. The best way to get around this is by sweating. Detoxification treatments that include sauna baths have existed way back in time. Traditional sauna baths mean that the body stays in a heated room where the warm air is supposed to warm the skin and thereby cause the body to sweat to lower the body temperature. Staying in high temperatures where the inhalation air is very hot and humid can be difficult for many. For people with some kind of heart problem or high blood pressure, it may in some cases be directly associated with health risks.
Infrared sauna provides an infrared radiant heat
What exactly is radiant heat? It is completely harmless and has nothing to do with either ultraviolet radiation (which causes sunburn and can damage the skin) or radioactive radiation. The word radiation can easily produce a negative sound, which is not the case with heat radiation.
Heat radiation is simply a form of energy that heats up the object directly through a process called conversion (there is a conversion / transfer of heat). This heating takes place without the air in between being heated. Radiant heat is what is called infrared energy. Our atmosphere has a "window" which is open to IR radiation with a micron length of 7-14 to reach the Earth's surface. When the earth is then heated, this IR emits radiation at a wavelength of 7-14 microns with a peak of 10 microns. The infrared radiation that the earth sends away is called terrestrial radiation
Our own bodies radiate infrared energy through our skin between 3-50 microns, mainly at 9.4 microns wavelength. Our palms emit infrared radiation at a level of 8-14 microns. Healing laying on is a tradition that goes back 3,000 years. (microns = number of wavelengths per cm -1)
Traditional sauna is heated by the convection principle
Infrared radiation is usually referred to as heat radiation. However, IR radiation and heat radiation are not always the same, all heat transfer through radiation is not infrared radiation. A conventional heating element or heater in a traditional sauna heats according to the convection principle by heating the air in the room. The heated air rises above the heating element / unit. Under the roof it gets warm and comfy at first but as it cools down then the warm air drops along the wall and flows like cold air along the floor back to the basement where it is heated again. The air in the room is warmer than the walls and furniture. When you weather the room
The importance of water
Water supplies all forms of life. Our bodies consist of about 70% water and most of the food we eat contains about 70% water. All body fluids contain water. The blood consists of approx
90% water. Water is found throughout the body, both inside and outside the cells. It is the key to all bodily functions. It transports nourishment to all cells and transports the waste products formed in connection with their metabolism. Water also regulates body temperature by sweating.
The fact that water is so present in our bodies is of great importance for the infrared heat radiation and its detoxifying detox effect in the body.
Why is water so important? At a temperature of -2730 C the absolute zero point, all atoms are completely still. There are no movements here. In a solid like ice, the water molecules lie in a regular pattern, a structure. Although the molecules are bound to each other, the molecules are not completely still, they vibrate around their particular positions, they have a heat movement. The higher the temperature, the greater the heat movements. If you heat ice, heat increases the movement. It counteracts the attraction between the water molecules. At the melting point, the heat movements become so intense that the molecules can begin to dissolve from each other, from their locations and liquid water is formed. Adding heat to the water molecules will increase the movement of the water molecules and affect the attraction between the molecules.
The meaning of the infrared light
Water absorbs light. The infrared segment of the electromagnetic (color) scale is located just infra = below the red visible light. Infrared light is a limited spectrum of light energy from the sun (or artificial source) but, because of its longer wavelengths, it cannot be seen by the human eye, such as ultraviolet rays. In both visible light and infrared light, the vibrational state of the water molecule causes the absorption. Blue light is absorbed very little while red light is absorbed about 3 orders of magnitude more. Long-wave infrared radiation, as generated in an infrared sauna, corresponds as closely as possible to the body's own radiation energy. This allows us to absorb as much as 93% of the infrared waves that hit the body. All people emit and receive long-wave infrared rays between 6-20 microns. The most advantageous area of the waves for humans is between 7-14 microns. This interval, known as the vital rays, has been shown to produce a number of positive effects on the body. An interval that corresponds well with the 9.4 micron of the water molecule.
The heat of the long-wave infrared rays can be easily absorbed by the large amount of water molecules present in the body. As the rays pass through the skin, it transitions from light energy to heat energy. There will be a deep warming of the body. As the body temperature increases, the body reacts with having to cool down. Sweat is part of the body's cooling system and is vital as we have to regulate our body temperature. When the sweat settles on the skin, a lot of thermal energy is needed for it to dry / evaporate. This energy is taken from the body which keeps it cool. Usually half a liter of fluid is sweated per day. Multiple liters can be sweated with great effort and high temperatures. The long-wave infrared rays cause the water molecules to break down, the water clusters (the water's molecular chains) become smaller and form a hexagonal pattern. In connection with this, deposits and slag products that the body has not immediately managed to dispose of, among other things, many environmental toxins that are fat-soluble and remain in the body's fat tissue are released. As the body easily absorbs infrared radiant heat, this provides an efficient warming of the body at depth, the water molecules become affected and heavy sweating occurs. When comparing traditional saunas to infrared saunas, US studies have shown the following on analysis of sweat;
Infrared sauna Traditional sauna
80% water 97% water
20% poisons 3% poisons
Toxins accumulated in the body are often the cause of a variety of health problems. As we've described above, the body is truly amazing. It has a unique physiological and anatomical design to best take care of itself. However, when the body signals or our insight makes us understand that we must end our lifestyle in order to feel better, the road to it is not easy to follow. It is important to find a harmony with dietary exercise to remove toxins in one's everyday life (nicotine, alcohol) and, if possible, to review what one is exposed to in their work environment and possibly. in the home. Developments in our environment and how we live today have created a need to help the body in its work. Elevated levels of unwanted substances and new unwanted toxins in both our diet and our environment have increased the interest in being "clean from the inside".
One way to do this is to regularly massage in an infrared sauna. In a Luxway infrared sauna , the body receives effective detox support. Warm happiness on the way to a healthier liver.