Contraindications for infrared saunas.
Obviously, infrared saunas should not be used to cure or treat a medical condition.
If you are diagnosed with a certain disease or are on prescription medication, consult your doctor to check that your medication or disease is not adversely affected by increased body temperature, blood circulation or increased sweating.
Risks of infrared saunas
An acute joint injury should not be heat treated with infrared for the first 48 hours or until the heat build-up and swelling in the joint has subsided. A chronically swollen and hot joint responds only very weakly or not at all to heat treatment.
In case of acute ongoing infection of the tooth, joint or skin, heat treatment should not be performed. In pregnancy, infrared sauna should not be used as it may cause discomfort and increase body temperature and blood circulation.
Implants such as hip joints, knee joints, plates, screws, cerclage and intramedullary nails are not heated by the long-wave infrared rays and are not affected by infrared sauna. If you are unsure, you should consult your doctor. If pain is experienced near an implant in connection with infrared sauna, the use should of course be cancelled. Silicon implants such as nose or ear replacements and breast implants absorb the infrared rays. However, silicone only melts at 200 degrees C (an infrared sauna heats between 40-60 degrees C). Infrared saunas do not cause any harm or discomfort to these implants, however, consult your doctor or the representative of the implant manufacturer if you are unsure.
The use of infrared sauna should only normally bring a pleasant sensation, should you experience pain or any condition worsened by the use of infrared sauna you should discontinue. Infrared saunas are not suitable for you at this time.
If you have questions about a particular disease cause for the use of infrared sauna, you can call us and ask to speak to a doctor, nurse for simpler questions tel +4631-899080.